- I have the urge to dance, and it has nothing to do with my consumption of Dark Chocolate.
- Were home. :D (not the reason)
and Tyler killed my cherry tomato plants >:[
-I have officially had a learners permit for 4 days *Kudos*
I haven't killed anyone yet, so that's pretty good...
I ran off the rode a little bit; but it was only on our driveway. =P
- I'm a little confused..? I need to talk to you.
- Tanner caught a Catfish!
We named it Julius c:
- Scooping fish out of a lake with a net is A LOT easier than catching them with a hook ;P
- I HATE 13 hour car rides, tiny showers, and gas-station bathrooms *.*
- Beware: Flaming Marshmallows "d
- Line dancing is fun xD
- Coutry people are nice ^.^
I like it when they call people sugar. C=
~That's all for now folks.
Waspada Ketika Bertransaksi Online
Masa sekarang memang sudah begitu memanjakan kita, sampai-sampai untuk
berbelanja saja, sudah tak perlu lagi keluar rumah, tinggal sekali klik
setiap trans...
2 years ago