After reading a certain person's blog, I feel like a monster.
Have I really changed that much?..... Where I only thought of how much I hated when my mom yelled or got stressed out, I didn't feel any compassion for her. She has so much to worry about. It bothers me how I could have been so selfish, and stupid. She does do alot, and she's always busy, and that's not her fault. I shouldn't be arguing back and adding to the stress. It's just wrong. I should be helping. Not making a burden out of myself.
I'm going to make a list of things.
Things that I have never done.
Things that I want to do.
And some things I never want to do.
...I like making lists as you can see :P
They help me sort things out.
Sorry this stuff isn't that interesting. But I'm too tired to write about anything else "/
I Have Never:
- ordered something from starbucks.
- told someone off.
- "talked back" to a teacher.
- had a tattoo.
- been on one of the big Ferris wheels.
- had a real job.
- made something truly beautiful.
- ran a marathon.
- galloped a horse ( my horse is too old :( )
- made breakfast for a stranger.
- bungee jumped
- sky dived
- seen snow
- snow skied
- water skied
- been out of the country
- kept a garden alive
- eaten one of those little pints of ice cream while watching a chick-flick xD
- slept under the stars
- told my parents how much they mean to me
- Stayed up all night and then watched the sunrise
- been completely alone for more than 12 hours.
- decided to just skip wearing make-up to school.
- skipped school
- driven a car
- been to Hawaii
- fasted
- worn my glasses to school without it being against my will.
- left a present on someones door step
- been to New York
- learned a second language
- seen a meteor shower
- had someone close to me die
- accepted a random stranger as a friend in myspace.
- been to a football game
- made a tree house
- caught a really big fish
Things On My Mind:
and no, I won't tell you who you are
even though it's kind of obvious :P
1. I'm really sorry.
2. You are one of my Best friends, and you mean alot to me and I can always share everything with you:), but sometimes i feel like we're always competing.
3. You are also one of my Best friends. You always know what to say and I think you are the only one who actually understands me:) Thank You for that:)
4. You are an extremely inspirational person:)
5. I don't know what you want from me. Actually, that's a lie, but I'm not really sure.
6. It's nice to be friends again:)
7. I don't think you like me very much, But why should you?
8. I feel like we are drifting, and it makes me feel alone.
I'm exhausted.
i can't breathI'm loosing track of my dreams.
i lost them long agoI'm an extremely emotional person.
and they're crushing meToday I almost cried.
it's crazy how soft words get to meBut I'm going to keep going.
for meBecause I can:)
Random Comment:
I miss my ballet class:(