I don't want to be like my mom, so why am I always acting like it's a competition between us? She likes to rub past accomplishments in my face, and talk about how many doctors wanted to date her. But If I do something great and I tell her about it she acts unimpressed. She acts like no matter what I do I will never measure up to her. All I want is for her to recognize something I do well. I want to prove to her that I am worthy of her praise, But she's too busy dwelling in the past. She doesn't even pay any attention to us anymore, all she thinks about is money and the next ufirst meeting. I want her to open her eyes and be a little perceptive about things. She doesn't know anything about me, or my little brothers. She just sleeps and yells and if she knew I was writing this would disown me. But I have to let it out someway or else I snap at her and get in trouble for "back talk". She's so oblivious to everything, and she acts like I know nothing about the world. I can't talk to her. I can be around her without getting agitated. I want so badly to talk to her about things that happen in my life, but she doesn't care. She is just interested in the next gossip story to talk to her mom about. For hours at a time she'll be back in her room, telling my grandma what terrible children we are, and how ungrateful we are for everything she does for us. It makes me sick. She wants to know the dirt on everyone, but she won't take the time to find out about her own kids.
Oh and my brother keeps walking up behind me and trying to see what I'm writing. -.-
I can't wait to move out.
I love my baby horsie:) She's very photogenic ;P
1 comment:
thanks for the comment.
yeah, i know who you are...
i dont know why youd think i wouldn't.
and anyways, my mom is like that sometimes too. all she can think about is money. then she yells alot bc she doesnt have as much as she wants. ugh
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