I'm all out :[
Today was really COOL. :D
Even though I was TERRIBLY TERRIFIED to give my speech. I was supposed to go 4th, but Claira wasn't there, so I had to go 3ed. And the whole time,I was completely FREAKING OUT. But, it auctually went really well. Even though I only got 3 hours of sleep "/. And then everyone was saying I was a really good speaker (umm?) :D so, YAY! :D SUCCESS!! (I think?)
Ya, so my horse LUKE is losing his winter coat so there are like these giant WHITE puff balls EVERYWHERE "O
My brother is being annoying -.-
" Teachers are stupid! NO ONE should be a teacher "
...whatever Tyler.
Random Comment: I love to make paper roses:)
Even I get more than three. X:
How'd you manage that?
I'm just extremely talented like that. :P
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