Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's a Loblolly Pine Tree xP

I don't know why but right now i feel really good.
it's probably the whole getting tons of sleep makes me feel awesome thing ;D but i totally slept weird or something because it hurts really bad to turn my head to the right D:
Anywayss, I found out yesterday that my brother has Rosetta Stone FRENCH and he said I could use it :DDD WOOO. AND i'm really happy because i was going to buy it myself but it's like $200. Ya, so :D *thumbs up*. jess thought you all would like to know ;D

and my parents want to build a pool..?

Blehh, I'm sorry I keep switching from being down to being happy. I just get discouraged easily but then small things make me happy, so i'm always up and down. "/

1 comment:

GraceEstelle said...

I wanna learn French... xD
I'm glad your happy. :D